Barbara Manrique » Home


Welcome and thank you for taking the time to navigate your way to my page. I teach English and Life After High School with pure joy, enthusiasm, and renewed bursts of energy, at Le Ranch!

I grew up in Huntington Beach, Orange, and began my higher education adventure at Santiago Canyon College where I received my Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts. Immediately following my AA degree, I transferred over to Cal State Fullerton University, where I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in English, focusing on education. After tutoring all over Orange County, and really enjoying my time as a tutor, and a teacher's assistant, I decided to make the move to fully commit to whole class teaching, and thus returned to Cal State Fullerton University where I earned my teaching credential in English, and further, became hired by the Foreign Exchange department at Cal State Fullerton University to teach foreign exchange students during the summer time.

When I'm not at The Ranch, I enjoy being with family, friends, tutoring, teaching (yah, I know), reading, writing (all forms), gourmet cooking and baking, eating, painting, fashion, working hard on video editing, and all forms of exercise, including rollerblading, extremely rigorous and ridiculous walks, runs, and hikes through deep mysterious wood and misty crisp cold canyons.

-What be this life if not to savor every drop of it?-

Here is a link to my website and teaching portfolio:
